If you’re in or near Paradise (that is, the suburb of Adelaide!) this Friday night, head to the Campbelltown Moonlight Market! It’s at the Thorndon Park Reserve from 6pm to 10pm. You can relax after work with a stroll, great food, live music and enticing stalls to browse through. We’ll be there, so keep an […]
Tag Archives: Moonlight Market
Our next market is at the wonderful Campbelltown Moonlight Markets this Friday night. It’s at Thorndon Park Reserve in Paradise from 6pm to 10pm. Thorndon Park is a beautiful spot for a market with lots of nearby parking, excellent food, music and, of course, a huge variety of stalls to browse through. If you’re lucky, […]
The Murray Bridge Riverfront Christmas Festival is on this Saturday, and we’ll have a stall there! Come for the Christmas parade at 4pm then stay for the festival at Sturt Reserve from 5 to 10pm. There will be loads of stalls (get cracking on your Christmas shopping), rides for all ages and fireworks at 9pm. […]
The new season of the Campbelltown Moonlight Market starts this Friday. Why don’t you come along? It’s from 6pm to 10pm at Thorndon Park (off Gorge Road) in Paradise. Parking and entry are free. You can have dinner at this fabulous market AND get a jump on your Christmas shopping! We’ll be there with our […]
Have you ever been to the Meadows 4 Day Easter Fair? It’s a wonderful, country fair in the Adelaide Hills, held from Good Friday to Easter Monday, 9am to 4pm each day. Entry is free. There will be more than 140 stalls this year (including ours), and plenty to see and eat, so head to […]
The last Campbelltown Moonlight Market for the season is on this Friday night from 6pm to 10pm, and the weather will be perfect! The March market was postponed due to hot weather, so that’s why it’s happening in April. It’s a fabulous market – great atmosphere, great food, and many different stalls to tempt you. […]